Safe and Sound Protocol


Hi! My name is Rachel, and I provide the Safe and Sound Protocol, life coaching, and wellness coaching. After co-founding the original North Woods clinic in White Bear Lake, our family of 6 took a leap of faith and moved to Duluth in the middle of the pandemic. Looking back, we now see how it was part of a bigger plan, and to finally call Duluth home is a dream come true! I’m passionate about helping women make healthy lifestyle changes, process big decisions, and deepen in faith. And as a former teacher, I also enjoy providing the Safe and Sound Protocol to adults, teens, and children to help them better regulate their nervous system. Those with trauma, ADHD, and Autism have found the protocol to be helpful.

My Education

Master or Science degree in Education from Walden University
Bachelor of Arts Degree from Luther College
Certified Wellness Coach through NETA
Certified Personal Trainer through NETA
Certified in Safe and Sound Protocol

My Rates

While the Safe and Sound Protocol isn’t covered by insurance, my clients find that it is a worthwhile investment ($85 for the initial intake, and $70 for each 55-minute session after), and a cost-effective alternative to therapy (especially those with high deductibles). I would be happy to meet with you in-person at our Duluth office, over the phone, or over Zoom.

Rachel Odland – MA, CWC, CPT

My Approach

In coaching sessions I use compassion, humor, Motivational Interviewing (M.I.), the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), and faith-based counseling for those that desire it.

Motivational Interviewing (M.I.)

Motivational Interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is designed to strengthen personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person’s own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion. At the end of the day, for change to be lasting you have to want it for yourself. In this, sense, M.I. provides a framework for discovering what you really want, why you want it, and how to make it happen.

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a research-based approach using filtered music to help the nervous system to become more flexible with shifting states. Dr. Stephen Porges, a neuroscientist, intended for the intervention to be helpful for individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Unknowingly, Porges stumbled upon a therapeutic intervention with a wide application, benefiting various populations. As a Certified provider of the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), I am able to use this research-proven approach for a variety of issues. SSP can be especially helpful for those experiencing sensitivities to sound, light, physical touch, tastes, and smells. It can also be beneficials for those experiencing ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, disordered eating, substance abuse, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, Parkinson’s disease, and gut issues (scroll down to watch a short video about SSP).

Christian Counseling

I draw on Christ as the ultimate source of hope and healing, but understand that a life of faith is messy and full of ups and downs. In coaching sessions, I am happy to explore matters of faith, discuss scripture, and pray with you if this is something you want. But, regardless of your spiritual beliefs, I will strive to provide a compassionate, non-judgmental approach, meeting you where you’re at on the journey. I understand that growth comes through the courage to be vulnerable and face hard things. In my own life I’ve had seasons of doubt, experienced grief and loss, and know that life can sometimes be really hard. I wants you to know that you can be real in my office, and if given the opportunity, I would be honored to work with you.

Testimonials about Rachel

I really benefited from my time with Rachel. She coached me to gain a much-needed and invaluable ability for self-compassion that I don’t believe I would have discovered without her. I’m a much stronger, and yet softer woman for it. So much of my life improved and became easier after the gaining this perspective and skill. I’m very thankful for Rachel!

Francine Blomberg

Rachel is an excellent counselor. With LOTS of patience and kindness she walked beside me as I traveled the road of fear, depression and sorrow. Without Rachel’s help I wouldn’t have taken the first step. I am now on the road to recovery and health. I like the person I have become and I am so glad God led me to Northwoods. It feels so good to smile.

Shari Bieber

I’ve known Rachel for 20 years and she truly is the best listener I’ve ever met. She is a kind, compassionate, and very dedicated person who is adept at making everyone feel heard and important.

Gena Hahne

Rachel is an absolute gem. Kind, smart, insightful, compassionate, and quick to laugh. Her thoughtfulness and authenticity are contagious, so being around her makes it a little easier to be your best self. You are in good care and in good company with Rachel.

Renee Sonka

Rachel is very caring, engaging, supportive and brings laughter into the mix – she is a great guide and offers a variety of tools to help you on your journey. I look forward to every time we meet!

L Brummel

I used North Woods for life coaching and found it so helpful. I would recommend it to anyone who is seeking support in reaching their goals.

Maddie Lemay

I have known Mark and Rachel for many years and they are both very thoughtful, caring and compassionate individuals. We are very fortunate to have them in our community.

Tim Stout

Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), Life Coaching, and Wellness Coaching are Available Online or In-Person (Duluth, MN)

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at 651-243-2484 or click on the button below.  We will do our best to contact you within 1 business day.